About Me
My name is Joe, and I was nicknamed WisdomJoe by some Coworkers/peers/ good friends I served with, worshiped with, had some run-ins with, well you get the hint! It got to the point where the children, in the ministry I served in, began to call me that, and it stuck! God was not only using us to minister to His Children, but to each other as a Team! We laughed together, we cried together, and got mad at each other!
I am not claiming I am perfect or know it all, Just a Regular "Joe". I love God and I know He loves us, His Children!
I served in Children’s Ministry for over 18 years, from volunteering to Part-time staff, and eventually Full time, at a Mega Church in Mesa, AZ. I became a licensed and ordained Children's Pastor and served at a few smaller churches where my new nickname became PJ, for Pastor Joe. I have been there, bought the tee shirt, and threw the t-shirt on the ground a few times.
I graduated Cum Laude from Colorado Christian University with my Bachelor's Degree in “Organizational Management in Church Leadership”, and earned my Certificate in Biblical Studies. I earned my Masters in Educational Leadership I am married to my High School Sweet Heart for over 25 years and we have a lovely daughter.
"The views and opinions on this site are that of my own and do not represent any organization or church."
I am excited to see where God takes me to my next chapter. COMING SOON!